The Treasure Trove is preserved as a heritage site, but it is unlikely to be added to further. Some articles have been moved to current sites.

Current sites which may be of interest to readers of the Treasure Trove include:

The Daughters of Shining Harmony: an introduction to basic principles

Shining World: a social network for Chelouranyans and their sisters

The Encyclopædia Chelouranya: general information on Chelouranyan and Herthelan history, philosophy, life, and customs

Notes from Chelouranya: a miscellany of articles

A Chapel of Our Mother God: for followers of the Deanic faith

Happy Innocent Musume Senshi: a site devoted to innocence and fighting evil

The Apple Seed: traditional astrology and metaphysics

All-Girl Worlds: intemorphic stories and Amazonian tales

The Sun Daughter Press: an independent publishing house


The Treasure Trove was formerly called the Knowledge Base. The aim of this site is to present material that has appeared elsewhere in a form that is easily searchable by category and browsable. The material may now be “buried” in old forum archives, or may be part of a longer, more general article.

To see all the posts in a particular category, click its title in the sidebar. To go directly to the front page from an individual page or category list, click “The Articles” in the sidebar. For all of our articles, go to the Treasure Trove Index.

Please browse and enjoy the wit and wisdom of Aristasian contributors over the years.