Miss Amy recommends Kadoria:
The other day, after a full morning, I enjoyed the simple luxury of reading a real magazine from Kadoria (or rather, the Tellurian Kadoria, the 1940s). If you’ve never had the pleasure of reading a real magazine, I would strongly encourage you
to make this effort. For in real magazines, one finds affirmation of goodness, order, beauty, and truth, affirmation and acceptance of these things as normal, and as virtues one should aspire to. After copying down a recipe or two and noting the latest in fashions and hairstyles, I read a touching letter to the editor. A reader had written to discuss how good fences make good neighbors: because it is over a fence that a borrowed cup of sugar passes, and it is over a fence that two friends talk about Little Suzie’s latest violin recital or how best to soothe the new baby’s colic. And it is over a fence that appreciative comments are made on each other’s gardens, and hints are shared about how to economize and make a comfortable home on a family’s limited income. If you have a deep longing for real neighbors, just as I do, I invite you to move to Kadoria and buy a little tract home right next to the one we are going to purchase. There is a perfect white picket fence that separates our houses. You can comment on my tulips just about to bloom, and I’ll compliment your lovely jonquils. When the little ones are asleep, we’ll chat about everything imaginable: how to keep our homes in spit-spot shape the most efficient way possible (have you heard about that astonishing machine that actually washes dishes!), and how to cope with the occasional tantrums of those toddlers we each have. Here, where we will live, in a loving neighborhood that respects goodness and honesty and cleanliness, life is quite lovely; quite lovely indeed. And remember, new neighbor of mine, that a well-run home does not end at the front and back doors; it shines in the face of the clean, well-mannered child living therein, and it blossoms in the heart of that Brunette Mummy, eager to return to the sanctuary of her home after working so hard at the office.